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Cata 42 - ASA IQC 204 - Monte - Harry

Monday, Dec 4, 2023 - 9:00 am through Tuesday, Dec 5, 2023 - 5:00 pm

Leaders: Mark Fields
Monte Everett (Capt/Instr)

Event Information


Please read all information below to ensure a full understanding of your Event and how to Register.

ASA Instructor Qualification Clinic Dates and Times - Both are shown at the top of this page.  Please verify them and put them on your calendar.  The 201 Certification will be taught the first two days, Followed by a day for 203, 204, and so on.  Please confirm that the certification you are desiring is in fact being taught by confirming that the certification is in the Event Title.   

REGISTRATION - ALL IQC CANDIDATES must complete the registration process below as a "Student" in order to officially register for the clinic.  


  1. Click the << + sign-up >> bar at the bottom of this page.
  2. Enter your name, phone number, email address, and answer all questions 

Once the process is complete you will be taken back to this event page and your name should show at the bottom under "Crew/Passenger".  

WHAT TO BRING - Attire should be according to the predicted weather.  Understand that the temperature is always a little cooler on the water and it never hurts to bring rain gear, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses and a camera to help remember your trip.  Water, other drinks, food and snacks, of your choice to enjoy during the clinic is suggested.

OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS - Lodging is not included in this clinic. Bow to Stern does have boats available for overnight accommodations if you would like to stay aboard one of the boats being used for the clinic.  Accommodations may change as the boats being used changes.  Bedding, pillows, and towels are not provided.  Bedding can be sleeping bags or sheets.  The following boats will be used: 201 - Cal 25; 203 - Catalina 34; 204 - Catalina 42; or something similar.  Flat sheets are recommended if bringing sheets for bedding.

CHECK-IN PROCEDURES and TIMES - Your Event's start is shown just below the event title at the top of this page.  Plan to arrive at Bow to Stern Boating15 minutes before the start of the class on the first day. If you are staying on one our boats, and arriving between 4-6pm please contact us 30 minutes before arrival so we can get you settled on the boat. If you are arriving after 6pm, please contact us before 6pm with an ETA so we can plan to have someone here to get you settled on the boat.

CHECK-IN will be done at the Bow to Stern Offices, located at Bow to Stern Boating Center - 290 Blackwell Point Loop Rd, Oriental. Once there, you can park in the spaces directly on the side of the road or in the small parking area next to the sheds.  Wherever you park, please park close together as parking is limited.  Find our staff in the offices on the ground floor and we will confirm payment, paperwork, and equipment, introduce you to your insrtuctor.  The class will start at 9AM.

CHECK-IN TIMES and After Hours fees.
         8am - 6pm - Normal Check-In Times
         6pm - 10pm - Evening Check-In 
       10pm - 12pm - Late Check-In - $25 Fee

A few points to keep in mind.  An IQC is not a teaching class for you to learn sailing, it is an examination and evaluation clinic.  The objective is to measure and assess your sailing skills and knowledge.  EVERYTHING you do in the IQC (clinic) is under evaluation.  If you are crewing and do a poor job on sail trim or winch work it is you who are being evaluated, not the skipper.  The skipper may be discounted for not asking to have proper trim, but the crew should know the needs of the vessel.  The Clinic should be fun, but remember we are here to work.  Please take our advice and prepare for this IQC as the exams are difficult and lack of preparation may result in disappointment.  Our goal is to make you successful, this is a team effort; we will do our part and we expect you to do your part.  Please come prepared.

Below are a number of links to files for your review.   Some documents are specific to the level you are taking.  Please read all that apply to you, if in doubt - read it.   There are also forms that need to be printed, completed, and brought to the IQC.  Some materials will assist you in preparation for the IQC, some is study material, and some is busy work filling out forms.

You should also have the ASA books that correlate to the Instructor level you are taking.  Bring all books, make sure you have read them and completed the questions at the end of each section.  All parts of the texts are fair game and may be found on exams.  You will be taking the corresponding exams for 101, 103, and 104 exams, so be prepared.

In addition, the 201 exam is very comprehensive and inclusive of all skill levels plus some additional materials based on experience.  It is comparable to the USCG OUPV exam plus additional ASA questions.  Please be prepared.  The exam usually takes about 3-4 hours.   The 203 exam is another long exam usually 2 hours.  The navigation exam averages 2-5 hours.  Please bring the following: parallel rules or triangles if not using parallel rules, dividers, pencils, eraser.  Bring your ASA logbook so it can be signed upon completion of your certifications.

If time permits teaching assignments will be performed for EACH level both on-water and classroom.  Classroom and on-water teaching are activities performed by Instructor Candidates and will be evaluated.

The schedule will be fluid depending on the weather, and will include classroom and "on the water" time.  Be prepared for both every day.

Below are links to files for you to review, to study, or to print and complete.  

Terms & Conditions

Instructor Code of Ethics

IQC Instructor Application

Instructor Upgrade Application

201 syllabus

101 syllabus

ASA Instruction Standards

Fred King Teaching Methods

IQC 201 Instructor Manual

IQC 203 Instructor Manual

IQC 204 Instructor Manual


Follow the instruction by each link (review, study, print/complete).   For all study material and material that is to be reviewed, it is important to either have it available on your electronic device or in printed form.  Wireless is available on site in the Bow to Stern Classroom.   The forms that need to be printed and completed will be collected on the first day.  Bow to Stern will not have a printer available, so print all forms prior to arrival. 

If you have questions concerning the clinic information content or class schedule, contact Harry Corbett via email - 

If you have questions concerning booking, registration, payment, accommodations, or other business information, contact Mark Fields at 252-249-2424 or 


  1. Click the << + sign-up >> bar at the bottom of this page.
  2. Enter your name, phone number, email address, and answer all questions 

Once the process is complete you will be taken back to this event page and your name should show at the bottom under "Crew/Passenger". 

Registration Count

Registration Type Registrations Remaining
Student 0 12
All Participants 0 12